Writers would understand how difficult it is to write a convincing piece on something they don’t really fancy or have enough knowledge or understanding about. But with the below sites here that pay for your writing, you can choose to write about how-to’s, reviews, tech, ‘serious’ pieces or offer your writing services for hire.
1. Squidoo
1. Squidoo
Squidoo is a publishing platform and community where you can share personal write-ups through their website. Articles on Squidoo are called ‘lenses’ or pages. Once you’ve posted a lens, ads of similar or recommended products of what’s written is placed around your lens.
The ads will consist of products which are sold via their affiliate programs with Amazon, eBay and a few others. You keep half of whatever Squidoo makesoff your lens which is then payable to you via PayPal or donated to a charity of your choice.
2. HubPages
Like Squidoo, in HubPages, you write ‘hubs’ or articles about an original and useful topic. Once you’ve posted your article, ads related to what you wrote are placed. These ads are generated from Google AdSense, HubPages Ad Program and/or affiliate programs such as Amazon and eBay products.
Once your article(s) earns the minimum amount on Google AdSense ($100) or HubPages Ad Program ($50), you can chose to cash out your earnings through PayPal.
3. ContentBLVD
ContentBLVD connects blog owners to writers. To be a writer for ContentBLVD, you have to send in an application and meet its criteria, one of which is living in and being eligible to work in the U.S. Once you get in, you can start writing articles based on the topics or assignments as required by ContentBLVD’s clients.
If your content gets used, you will be paid between $12 to $48 per piece. For now, ContentBLVD is still in beta mode (at the time of this writing) but it is worth checking out if you want to quit writing spam assignments.
4. Helium
Helium is a writing community where you can choose to write about your own topic or write for one of Helium’s clients under their assignment dashboard. One way to earn money through Helium is with their assignment-based articles which are sold to publishers or brands who need content for their websites and products.
You can also earn money via their Ad Revenue Sharing program where they pay you based on the amount of traffic your personal article brings to their site. You can cash out after earning the minimum of $25.
5. Triond
Triond is another writing community where you write articles that are then posted on other popular websites. Triond allows you to post audio, video and pictures together with your written articles which are then published to relevant websites based on what you’ve written.
You can then track your article views, comments and earnings via your user dashboard. You can cash out 50% of the advertising earnings from your articles every month.
6. Epinions
If you love writing reviews (and who doesn’t?), check out Epinions. You canwrite positive or negative reviews about products available for purchase on web stores all over the internet. From the reviews, you earn Eroyalties credits through the Income Share program, which is redeemable in US dollars.
The program rewards reviewers who help other buyers make their decisions on buying or not buying the product based on your review. US residents can redeem their check with a minimum balance of $10 while non-US residents must have a minimum balance of $100.
RECOMMENDED READING:Online Shoppers: Why Online Reviews Can Save Your Day
7. Fiverr
Fiverr is a place you where you can ‘sell’ your writing skills or services(among others) for a fixed price of $5 – you get to keep $4. When someone buys whatever you’re offering to sell, they’ll pay to Fiverr first. Once you’ve completed the task at hand, $4 will be credited into your account.
You can then withdraw your earnings via PayPal. Unlock ‘levels’ by selling more and more often on Fiverr, and more opportunities and tools will be opened for your use.
8. Yahoo! Contributor Network
Writers can sign up for free to be a Yahoo! Contributor where you can find daily ‘assignments’ to write about. Many of these assignments offer up-front payments ranging from $2 to $25 (and sometimes more). Otherwise, you can create and earn from your own content as well, with payments ranging from $2 to $15.
All payments are processed through PayPal. The content you write is shared on other Yahoo subdomains like Yahoo! News, Shopping, Voices, Sports, etc which gives you very good exposure.
9. Demand Media Studios
You need to apply to write for Demand Media Studios but once accepted, you’ll be given tasks or assignments which they require you to write about. These assignments will be based on subjects which you are interested in or have knowledge of. This is determined when you first apply for the assignment.
We also have reason to believe that content on eHow originates from here, giving you and your articles even more exposure. Your articles that get published will net you from $15 to more than $30.
10. Digital Journal
Digital Journal is a community with a rather serious tone. You can contribute by creating blog posts and interacting with groups by discussing and debating the latest news and important blogs. The more you contribute, and the more attention you bring to your post, the more you can earn from the site.
Payments are done via PayPal. In order to begin contributing, you must apply to be a Digital Journalist by submitting a sample of your writing. For more details on how this works, hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.